Call of Duty

The Top 5 Best Assault Rifles in Warzone Season 5, Ranked

Breaking down which ARs to pick and how to use them.

MW2 character in gold skin with AR next to Warzone 2 logo Image Source: Activision

Warzone Season 5 has been revealed and implemented, making its tweaks felt across the game. As a result, our assault rifle rankings have changed considerably. Without further ado, here are the top five ARs in Warzone Season 5, ranked.

Season 5’s weapon buffs and nerfs largely targeted SMGs, LMGs and the Cronen Squall battle rifle. There were some assault rifles tweaked though. The M13B saw its headshot multiplier increased while the Chimera’s close-range damage was also improved.

The latter still doesn’t quite make our top five. The M13B features prominently though, so read on to find out how we’re ranking them all after the August 2 patch.

5) Lachmann 556

Lachmann 556 AR in Warzone and MW2 Gunsmith
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

For a time the best AR in Warzone, the Lachmann 556 fell a lot as Season 4 progressed. Players moved towards higher damage and faster-firing alternatives. Resultantly, consistent but unspectacular medium range performers have dropped in popularity and viability. It could make a comeback but, for now, the best attachments only take it so far:

  • Muzzle: Harbinger D20
  • Barrel: 15.9″ Lachmann Rapp Barrel
  • Underbarrel: Phase-3 Grip
  • Optic: VLK 4.0 Optic
  • Magazine: 60 Round Mag

4) M4

M4 AR in Warzone and MW2 Gunsmith
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

The M4 is a classic of the CoD series and has been very popular in the rebooted MW series, especially in multiplayer where it’s an early unlock and all-round powerful AR. It’s not really done a lot in Warzone though – until Season 3 Reloaded and Season 4. 

It flew up to second place in this list as players flocked to it. We have tempered its rating slightly, dropping it to fourth in favor of higher damage alternatives: 

  • Underbarrel: Lockgrip Precision-40
  • Barrel: Hightower 20″ Barrel
  • Optic: Aim-OP V4
  • Stock: Tempus P80 Strike
  • Magazine: 60 Round Mag

3) Tempus Razorback

Tempus Razorback in Warzone and MW2 Gunsmith
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

The Tempus Razorback AR has been on a gradual increase in Season 4, reaching second place as players learn to love its fast fire-rate, solid handling and decent range. It does bounce slightly more than some other weapons and, as a result, struggles to stay ultra viable at longer distances.

It also goes to explain why our chosen attachments make it a lot easier to use, ensuring you can hit your shots and drop enemies rapidly:

  • Magazine: 45 Round Mag
  • Optic: Aim OP-V4
  • Stock: TR Preamble
  • Underbarrel: Lockgrip Precision-40
  • Rear Grip: Casus X

2) M13B

M13B in Warzone 2 and MW2 Gunsmith
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

The M13B has improved gradually since it was added back in Season One. It’s now one of the best assault rifles in the game thanks to buffed damage and range. It was augmented even further with Season 5, seeing its headshot lethality increased.

When combined with its incredible fire-rate, the result is an assault rifle that’s pretty much unmatched at closer ranges. It does struggle at longer ranges because of damage drop off and kick, so we’re aiming to improve its accuracy and range with our attachments:

  • Optic: Aim OP-V4
  • Underbarrel: Lockgrip Precision-40
  • Rear Grip: D37 Grip
  • Magazine: 60 Round Mag
  • Stock: Bruen R90 Factory

1) Kastov 762

Kastov 762 in Warzone 2 and MW2 Gunsmith with logo in bottom right
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

Once our favorite AR in all of Warzone, the Kastov 762 fell in viability and popularity as its recoil increased and its headshot damage decreased. However, its comeback to first has been based on incredible damage and excellent range, meaning it’s only real weakness is recoil.

That’s why our attachments are geared towards stabilization and accuracy. It’s damage, range and handling are strong enough on their own. With these attachments, you’ll be the favorite in every gunfight you enter:

  • Muzzle: Eight-Point Flash Hider
  • Barrel: KAS-10 584mm Barrel
  • Optic: Aim OP-V4
  • Underbarrel: Lockgrip Precision-40
  • Mag: 40 Round Mag

Those are the top five assault rifles in Warzone Season 5, ranked. The list may well change in the future, with weapon adjustments expected in Season 5 Reloaded and beyond.

About the author

Alex Gibson

Alex was a Senior Editor at Twinfinite and worked on the site between January 2017 and March 2023. He covered the ins and outs of Valorant extensively, and frequently provided expert insight into the esports scene and wider video games industry. He was a self-proclaimed history & meteorological expert, and knew about games too. Playing Games Since: 1991, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action
