
All Xbox Game Pass Plans, Explained (Core, Console, PC, Ultimate)

Pick the plan that's right for you!

Xbox Game Pass Core
Image Source: Xbox

Xbox Game Pass Core is set to replace Xbox Live Gold and Games with Gold in Sep 2023, offering all of the standard online play capabilities, as well as a library of games for players to experience with twenty-five titles confirmed for launch and additional titles to be added two-three times a year. Of course, with this being a new subscription, it can take time to determine which plan may suit you or your household the best. Don’t worry; we’ve explained every updated Game Pass plan and what they offer below, so follow along for all the help in making your decision.

All Game Pass Plans & What They Offer

The four new Game Pass plans set to launch in Sep 2023 are titled Core, Console PC, and Ultimate. Each of these plans are individually priced and come with their own perks and access to certain features. Here’s a breakdown of each plan provided by Xbox:

US Game Pass Core prices
Image Source: Xbox

The Core plan is priced at $9.99 USD a month, and grants access to online console multiplayer, the Core games library, and member deals and discounts. This makes it the perfect deal to snag if you’re a console player looking to jam a good range of titles on your Xbox alongside friends or online competitors, as the games offered within the library all have strong elements of online play.

The Console plan is priced at $10.99 USD per month and provides access to hundreds of games on console, new games on day one, and member deals and discounts. This is essentially the classic Xbox Game Pass deal that we’re already familiar with, so it’s a great

The PC plan provides access to hundreds of PC titles, new games on day one, member deals and discounts, and an EA Play membership, allowing you to enjoy titles such as The Sims, Dead Space, Need For Speed, FIFA, and more.

This is a great deal to snap up for just $9.99 USD a month, granting access to a very extensive list of titles that are bound to keep any gamer occupied and entertained. There’s also a great mix of different genres of games within the collection this subscription contains, making it the perfect plan to purchase on the family PC and keep any kids entertained.

Lastly, the fourth and final subscription plan is titled the Ultimate plan and is available to purchase for $16.99 USD per month. The Ultimate plan provides everything that the PC plan and Console plan have to offer, as well as cloud gaming access. This is the perfect plan to select if you’re a big-time gamer on both console and PC, as it unlocks all of the best benefits both plans have to offer, complete with an extensive game library of titles to play on each platform.

All Games Currently Confirmed For Game Pass Core

Game Pass Core already has twenty-five different titles confirmed to be included in the games library from launch date. While this library is stated to possible vary overt time and by country, here is the complete list of games below, so be sure to keep your eye out for any that may influence your decision:

Xbox Game Pass Core, the Core game library, and the corresponding Game Pass subscription tiers will be released on Sep 14, 2023. While you await the launch of these multiplayer-oriented games, why not check out some of the best online multiplayer games on Xbox? Considering some of the titles featured here have been selected for the Game Pass Core library, players have much to look forward to.

About the author

Grace Black

Grace is a writer, digital artist, and character illustrator from New Zealand with a love for fiction and storytelling. Grace has been writing for Twinfinite for seven months and in the games industry for a year. She's a horror enthusiast, occasional anime enjoyer, and die-hard Ghost-Type Pokemon fangirl. Her favorite video games include Overwatch 2, Life is Strange, The Last of Us, and Pokemon - all of which she will never tire of.
