Call of Duty

How To Get and Where To Use the Mayor’s Briefcase Key in Warzone DMZ

The mayor doesn't need their briefcase anyway.

Vondel City Hall in Warzone DMZ Activision

Season 4 Reloaded has changed Vondel’s DMZ key chain. It means there’s new places to go to get certain keys and progress along the sequence (and in the extraction mode itself). Here’s how to get and where to use the Mayor’s Briefcase Key in Warzone DMZ.

How To Get the Mayor’s Briefcase Key in Warzone DMZ

You can access this key in different ways. Unfortunately, it’s harder to acquire than some others because, with Season 4 Reloaded bumping it up to the first key in one of Vondel’s two chains. That means there’s not a known set location where it’s guaranteed, like a bag or crate to unlock. Instead, we have to rely on other means.


You can get this key – and all of Vondel’s keys – by looting. Sadly, this is reliant on RNG and pretty unreliable. The chances are you’ll need to loot exhaustively for hours before you find the key you need.

Phalanx Faction

There is still a guaranteed method to acquire it: the Hunter Mission. This is a Tier 4 Mission in Season DMZ’s new Phalanx Faction. It’ll require you to have completed the majority of missions from the preceding Tiers to unlock Hunter. Even then, it’s not a piece of cake, with Tier 4 missions generally tough and time consuming. The objectives for the Hunter DMZ Mission are:

  1. Complete 3 hunt contracts in one deployment.
  2. Exfil successfully.

It’ll also reward players with 15,000 XP and reputation for the Phalanx Faction. You can locate Hunt Contracts via your map: they feature a skeleton’s face within the contract emblem and essentially task players with hunting enemy players.

Completing three in one deployment might take some time and effort, especially given how real-life enemies will put up much more of a fight than DMZ’s AI and could be part of competent teams.

Where To Use the Mayor’s Briefcase Key

Unsurprisingly, the key is used to get into a briefcase that we assume belonged to Vondel’s mayor at one point or another. The mayor’s fate is unknown, with them likely fleeing when Vondel was overtaken by warring Factions.

The Mayor’s Briefcase sits on a bench to the west of City Hall and east of Vondel University. The image on the left shows its location in the north of the map. The image on the right shows its exact position, on a bench in the northern-most square in front of City Hall.

Mayor's Briefcase Location in Warzone DMZ Vondel
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

Finding the Briefcase shouldn’t be too hard, simply requiring you to spot the metallic case on a bench. Getting to it is another matter though.

There’s a lot of AI that patrol the grounds of City Hall, with the POI itself being a locked building that also houses a lot of bots. We recommend approaching from the road to the north and working your way south.

This should allow you to take out the bots closest to the case without informing every single one in the region of your presence. A suppressed weapon might also help for this. When the coast is clear, head to the case and interact with it to use your key.

Stage Bag Key in Mayor's Briefcase in Warzone DMZ
Image Credit: Activision via Twinfinite

While it might be an elusive key, it unlocks excellent loot that almost every player will want to get their hands on. We got a Gold Bar, a Tempered Vest and the Stage Bag Key, which is a way to guarantee yourself two GPUs in one deployment.

Given how the devs covertly tinkered with the keys and their unlock methods, we’ll be keeping this page updated. For now, that’s all there is to say about finding and using the Mayor’s Briefcase Key. Check out the related content below while you’re here.

About the author

Joe Craven

Joe is a writer and publisher based in England. He loves history, video games and football. As you read this, he's probably reading about an obscure war, playing a video game or moaning about Leeds United.
